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                Innovative industry technology

                Zhongshan Chuancheng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd
                21 South Shengfeng Lianfeng Road, Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City
                heat protector-CCS8

                Product advantages
                The upgraded version of AH9B features all the advantages of AH9B products
                Upgrade of model AH9 / B, with all advantages of AH9 / B
                Lifespan can reach more than 20,000 times!
                Lifetime over 20000 cycle.
                The highest temperature is 170 ℃, and the high temperature resistant plastic shell has better insulation performance.
                Plastic shells up to 170 ℃ with better insulation performance.
                product description
                AH9 series are all temperature-type protectors. When the temperature rises due to abnormal electrical appliances, the heat generated is transferred to the bimetallic element. When the bimetallic piece reaches the operating temperature setting value, it quickly cuts off the circuit. When the temperature drops to the rated reset temperature value At the time, the bimetallic element automatically resets the circuit; the AH9 series is divided into two sizes: metal and plastic shells to choose from. The metal shell is more sensitive to temperature and higher temperature resistance; the plastic shell has better insulation performance;
                Application range
                The products are widely used in transformers, series motors, nickel-metal hydride batteries, air conditioners, washing machines, juicers, vacuum cleaners, massage chairs, seat heating pads and other products.
                Technical Parameters
                Switch type: normally closed
                Rated voltage and current: AC125V / 6A, AC250V / 3A, DC36V / 5A, DC24V / 5A,
                DC12V / 5A
                Operating temperature: 45 ℃ -170 ℃ (every 5 ℃ is a file)
                Standard tolerance: ± 3 ℃ ± 5 ℃
                Reset temperature: automatic reset
                Contact resistance: ≤50mΩ
                Insulation resistance: ≥100MΩ
                Life: ≥20000 times

                Model Description
