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                Innovative industry technology

                Zhongshan Chuancheng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd
                21 South Shengfeng Lianfeng Road, Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City
                heat protector-6AP-CZ automatic reset with heating wire
                NAME:6AP-CZ automatic reset with heating wire

                Product advantages
                ● The product is small and easy to install;
                ● With power failure protection and delay protection function;
                ● The combination of bimetallic strip and heating wire has a quick tripping property;
                product description
                The 6AP-CZ heating wire is integrated with the bimetallic sheet, which has the characteristics of quick disconnection. When the current exceeds the set value of the protector, the protector can accurately control the power supply to be cut off within 4-10 seconds, and it also has dual current and temperature. The advantages of protection. When the current is too large or the current of the blocked motor exceeds the trip value set by the protector, the protector cuts off the circuit within a predetermined time, so that the electrical appliance is protected; when it cools to a safe operating temperature, the bimetallic reed quickly After reset, the contact closes automatically, and power is restored. The trip time and overcurrent can be customized according to customer requirements. The life of the thermostat can be customized according to the current used by the customer; the products are widely used in transformers, heating elements, household appliances and various types of motors for vehicles such as window motors, wiper motors, sliding door motors, regulator motors, etc.
                Technical Parameters
                Switch type: normally closed
                Rated voltage and current: 15V AC 15A / 30000 times 25V DC 20A / 30000 times 20 A / 36 V. 24V. 12V—DC / 30000 times
                Operating temperature: 45 ℃ -185 ℃ (every 5 ℃ is a file)
                Standard tolerance: ± 3 ℃ ± 5 ℃
                Reset temperature: 2/3 of the operating temperature, can be customized
                Contact resistance: ≤50mΩ
                Insulation resistance: ≥100MΩ
                Life: ≥20000 times

                Product appearance